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Living in harmony with nature is possible.

Since 2013 we have dedicated ourselves every day to preserving this natural habitat of the Cock of the Rock. 

About us

The Jardín de Rocas Natural Park is a conservation, research, environmental education and sustainable tourism initiative established in 2013 by biologist Luis Orlando Marulanda, PhD in Ecology. The park is a private reserve that preserves a small fragment of riparian forest, a meeting place (Lek) of Gallitos de Rocas. It is located in the canyon of the Volcanes River, in the urban area of the Municipality of Jardín in the Vereda Serranías.  It is currently the only urban nature reserve in the Municipality of Jardín that has the purpose of demonstrating that it is possible to live in harmony with nature. It provides a space for the contemplation not only of the Cock of the Rock, but also of other birds, insects, plants typical of the mountain ecosystems of the western mountain range of Colombia. ​

Gallito de las Rocas

Algunas aves que nos visitan

En nuestras dos hectáreas, hemos registrado al rededor de 40 especies diferentes de aves. Dentro de estas se encuentran 3 especies endémicas, como el Habia copetona (Crested ant tanager), el Cacique Candela (Red-bellied grackle) y la Guacharaca Colombiana (Colombian chachalaca)

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